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Mum and Me Gift Set - Romper + Makeup Case


This beautiful gift set is bound to thrill the mummy and awe the daddy. :)

A personalized romper for baby and a make up pouch for mummy. This is one thoughtful gift!

Beautifully packed in a gift box with a personalized paper ribbon, for that perfect, instagram worthy photo.

Each piece of our clothing is designed and printed individually in our studio in Singapore, making them truly one of a kind. We don’t mass produce and we don’t compromise on quality.

Choose from our wide selection of clothing designs here.


1. Personalized romper or kid tee 

2. Personalized make up pouch (choose white or black)

3. Brown gift box with personalized ribbon

4. Card (optional)


  • Material: 100% Cotton tees and rompers
  • Size/ Colour Chart: Click here
  • Artwork:  We will send artwork for vetting via email within 2 working days upon order/ payment.
  • Leadtime: Mailing date is about 1 week after artwork confirmation date. It will take a few days to reach you, depending on the shipping method you select. 
  • Please consider choosing registered mail instead of normal postage, as normal postage is not trackable. Label of Love Studio is NOT responsible for lost mails through normal postage.